Mother’s Day was an odd one for me this year.  My own mother passed away 9 years ago and it’s our first year with both kids out of the nest.  We just moved back to Northern California in January.  My daughter is attending University of New Mexico and my son works for the VA in Henderson, NV.  They are both doing awesome and it’s great for them…  just a little sad on Mother’s Day for me.

I was woken up by a picture text of a really cute waffle with banana slices in the shape of a heart that my daughter and her friend made for her mom.  My son called to tell me “Happy Mother’s Day” while babysitting for a friend of his and helping the four-year-old girl make a Mother’s Day card for her mom.

I was a little melancholy that both my children were doing sweet things for mom’s on Mother’s Day…. Just not with me…

I took the opportunity to retreat to my craft room and try out two techniques I had found on Pinterest.  What an awesome site, Pinterest is, huh?

Here is my creation:

Stampin' Up! Mother's Day card by Lisa Ann Bernard of Queen B Creations

When I first saw the owl punch, all I saw was an owl.  I quickly figured out that many creative people out there had turned it into all sorts of cool stuff.  One really cool idea was by a fellow Stampin’ Up! demonstrator: Heather. 

The lattice work was also from a creative fellow Stampin’ Up! demonstrator: Brandy Cox.  If you haven’t checked out her YouTube channel, you are really missing out!  You can also download the template from her site. Find her site here:

Happy Stamping, my friends, 
