Hi again! Hope your week is off to a good start! I spent most of Monday at the doctors with my darling husband who injured his ankle at work 3 weeks ago and refused to see a doctor at the time. Now that it’s been 3 full weeks and it’s still swollen and in pain, he agreed that maybe he did need to see a doctor after all! Geesh! Men! Good news is that it’s not broken, but the doctor did give him pain meds, a boot to wear and instructions to stay off his feet! No more delivering appliances! We shall see how that goes… In the meantime, I’m making birthday cards!

These birthday cards were made with some retired Stampin’ Up! designer series paper. I know I shouldn’t be using retired product – but they keep sending it to me FOR FREE! Have I said lately how much I love being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator!!!
Who wants to join me and love what they do, too?!?